Hello Dammitchloe :-) Nice to see you earlier in the summer. You and your friends did a great job clearing out that bush debris below the shower, with my little hand saw :-) Regarding the wrecked car, my rough estimate is that the vehicle is about 125 yard ( 375 feet ) below the road. It may be shorter or longer since sometimes the distance on a hillside can fool ya. The hill from the road gets steep, real fast, so I think a tow truck wouldn't get much closer. Also, I think this road is a closed route, according to the USFS. And, there are two seperate access points to this road, both presenting difficulties for vehicles. One route, at one point, has a very steep slant to the side, which could tip some vehicles over. The second route, goes up a steep sectin of hill, and is all rutted out, from the yearly rains. Unsuspecting people, on occasion, can get a two wheel drive, low clearance vehicle down this road, but then find its not possible to get back out. So, these are some issues, that I think you can see, would make recovery of this vehicle a difficult prospect. If your tow truck friend really wants to see if he could get it, you can e-mail at
hotspringswizard@hotmail.com, and I could give them directions to find the car, then they could determine if it was feasible to do with thier equipment. I would recommend informing the USFS before attempting the retrievel to get thier permission, since the car is in the San Bernardino National Forest. Again, glad to see your still around Dammitchloe. I put some new photos recently at Wizard's pictures, taken on a hike I did last Friday along Deep Creek. Maybe you have checked them out already. Take Care, and maybe I'll see you again at DCHS sometime :-)