DEEP CREEK ..... NAKED MAN EXPOSED AGAIN ..... if Laughing Bear is laughing bare does this bear shi= in the woods? R does this bear shi= on this web site?....................You can take Mike D. out of Arizona but you can't take Arizonia out of Mike D. ............ And why does Arizona Mike not go to the Arizona pool?...........and can you are anyone else tell me was my Daddy right or wrong? He says any one who runs around NAKED is a pervert! Then he says he is fully quilified. I think he was right and wrong it depends on your point of view. ...................We rrrrr off to see the Wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz. ......... Perhaps we should ask him 4 some common sense ?????............Has any one Noticed ? the Manzanitas are almost all dead, this last dry year? .................Has anyone noticed ? that the J F 4 To J F3 trail of least resistance has had an increase in traffic of at least 100% ?????.................Why is there so much Trash here ? Where are my Forest adventure pass DOLLARS GOING ????Perhaps we could get some of this money to take the bumps out of the road so a trash truck can go down there to haul out nitwits and trash????? Has any one noticed the price of hot tubs lately? All that money and they arent nearly as nice as D.C.H.S. ...............Which propaganda sign do you see? Pack out what you pack in. R VOLUNTEERS REMOVE NITWITS LITTER?..........Some people dont see either! .......Has any one noticed that Deep creek aint so deep this time of year. So does this make Deep creek a misnomer????