Laughing Bear, The license I got was to the trailer that was being pulled by this big four door, new looking truck. I wished later that I had taken down the truck license too, but if anyone follows up on this they will be able to locate who was out there with the trailer license. There were four, what looked to be hispanic, middle aged men with the trailer and truck. I was pretty bent about seeing all that trash and spent shells strewn across the area, but since I was with my wife and children, I did not pose more pointed questions to these individuals since you never know exactly what the background of these people are, and what they might be capable of in terms of aggression. I had traveled down the same road just four days before and the area where they were parked was clean. They had a couple of quads on the trailer. They said they had just arrived, and had just finished breakfast, but, I noticed that there were fresh quad tracks around the site and leading from there up route 1, and up route 2 to the back side of Luna Mtn and beyond. My feeling is that they proabably did thier target practice at the sight I found them, and had probably went out on thier quads looking for game to shoot. Who ever left all the trash it was recent, and thier show of utter dis-respect for the natural environment up there just never ceases to amaze me at how much like a bunch of trashy pigs some people can be. They need to go make thier own slummy city where they can live in the trash they like to leave around. I'm not real keen on the hunting that goes on in the area, but I know that its just some of these hunters that show a total dis-regard for leaving the area as they found it. My feeling is that there is, as time goes by, more hunters and less game, animals and birds which are fun to see while hiking in those hills. I have also found in alot of hiking in the open country around Deep Creek that its not uncommon to come upon the spent shells of the hunters, in the most out of the way places. The hunters leaving thier spent shell casing reminds me of those smokers that visit DCHS, who constantly have no qualms at all about tossing thier cigerette butts on the ground. Its just hard to fathom these peoples lack of appreciation for Mother Nature. I'll keep my eyes open up there and relay any information, when I get a chance to get some. Good to know that there are good folks in the area like you LB, Dean, Ann and Paul, and FOJF to help keep an eye on things up there :-)