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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (60% of Full)


Re: Neat stories... was 14 teenagers

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July 02, 2003 12:51PM
Thanks Mike,

I have seen a few interesing things at the springs, but nothing quite like that! One memorable experience I had was when a bus load of young German college students dropped in one Saturday about 10 years or so ago. Don't know if it was a Green Tortise tour or not...

But I got a kick out of watching them spread that nice warm black mud all over each other. They were speaking their foreign tounge, laughing, posing for each other and just having a great time. I was so intrigued by watching them have such a good time that I didn't even think to get my camera out to take pictures... with their permission of course.

Another time I visited there was an older gentleman getting permission to snap a few photos. He and I both took some shots of the pools and some other German folks along with some textiled teenagers enjoying a soak.

A year or so later I was thumbing through a new copy of "The World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts" and there was one of the pictures from that day, nearly identical to one of mine, that was published in the new version along with the description of Deep Creek! Don't know if it was Lee Baxandall there with me that day, or someone else. But I thought it was an interesting coincidence.


Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

sycamorelaughing 1386June 29, 2003 08:18PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

Gary 973June 29, 2003 08:40PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

sycamorelaughing 816June 29, 2003 10:40PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

Gary 983June 30, 2003 08:54AM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

Arizona Mike 824June 30, 2003 06:20PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

Gary 854July 01, 2003 08:39AM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

Arizona Mike 925July 01, 2003 11:50AM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

dammitchloe 1106June 30, 2003 09:26PM

14 teenagers x $5.00 overnight = $70.00 tax free for Castro

katrina island 807July 01, 2003 03:25PM

Re: 14 teenagers x $5.00 overnight = $70.00 tax free for Castro

jobe 885July 01, 2003 03:49PM

Re: 14 teenagers x $5.00 overnight = $70.00 tax free for Castro

Gary 736July 02, 2003 07:52AM

Re: 14 teenagers x $5.00 overnight = $70.00 tax free for Castro

Arizona Mike 825July 02, 2003 12:24PM

Re: Neat stories... was 14 teenagers

Gary 810July 02, 2003 12:51PM

Re: last three posts

sycamorelaughing 1109July 02, 2003 01:34PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

LaughingBear 791July 01, 2003 10:56PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

sycamorelaughing 909July 02, 2003 06:58AM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

katrina island 862July 02, 2003 03:30PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

Gary 1574July 02, 2003 03:48PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

Wizard 818July 02, 2003 06:53PM

Re: Mike Castro rescues lost hikers

LaughingBear 1560July 02, 2003 07:11PM

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