Katrina wrote:
>> "Isn't Mike Castro's permitting people he identified as teenagers to camp overnight at the Bowen Ranch "contributing to the delinquency of a minor" and/or "child endangerment"? "
Nope.... It is not. Not even close. Why even imply it?
Not that I'm a Mike Castro fan, but why hold him responsible for the poor judgement of the teenagers... THEIR OWN decision to hike to the springs in the dark? That's one of the big problems in society these days and the cause of many frivolous lawsuits. Nobody accepting responsibility for their own actions. It's always someone else's fault. I doubt seriously if any of those kids blamed Mike for their own lack of good judgement.
Why are you?
And what expense did this "rescue" cause any taxpayer? The officers were already on duty... already being paid their salaries, whether they were driving to the ranch to look for lost kids, or whether they were settling a domestic dispute at your house... or down the street. I didn't hear of any special, extra resources being called in. No helicopters, no search and rescue jeeps, special ops... GPS satellite systems...etc.
Now if AZ Mike sends a rescue bill to the county... then we'll have to talk to that boy some.... ;o)
How 'bout we all give it a rest for a few days and post some postiive experiences or memories of one of our last visits to the springs.