With all due respect, this is much to do about nothing.
Everywhere in the world where there is water there is algae.
The determining factor is safety. Most algae is nontoxic. A very small amount is toxic. The algae at d.c.h.s is non toxic. I ain't an expert but coming from Florida I have watched algae blooms more than most. The toxic algae gives off a gas that causes you to cough badly. So much so you run away from the beach to get some good air. The toxic kind are nitrogen lovers. When nitrogen builds up in the water it feeds upon it. This is done to clean up the over abundance of nitrogen in the water. Nitrogen is the by product of sewers and fertilizers.
So, relax, enjoy deep creek and know the algae there is nontoxic. In fact it is edible.
Once on a not crowded day a Chinese man was cooking some thing on the beach. He was dressed in ancient Chinese garb. Silk pants and summer hat. So I asked what he was cooking? He said algae from springs. He say in China algae an expensive luxury, full of energy and minerals. He was putting hot sauce in his wood spoon and eatting it. So of course I ask for a bite with out sauce. Taste like chicken ? No, cardboard. He insisted so I took a bite with sauce. Same taste. He ate the whole pot full. I could not eat for a while.
So if you want to eat algae at and from the springs I say go for it. It may become a fad. Lots of vitamins and minerals.
Also that toxic algae is usually red or purpleish. So it is easy to identify.
Let's all go to the hot spring and relax.
Moderator comment: Please do not take any statements in this post as fact.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/24/2019 03:49PM by Rick.