On a different subject, late in the afternoon while it was still very hot at the creek 4 young men showed up suddenly and informed us they had gotten lost for three hours and the one young man who was very overweight was showing the symptoms of heat exhaustion. The men had run out of water giving it to the heavy man. I showed them how to get back out of the canyon, telling them hiking the PCT was a much easier route for them back to safety. The one man in bad condition began to throw up all of the water in his system. I told his other 3 friends that I thought they could make it back, but their friend should definitely stay with us and cool off in the creek, then try and hike out with us when the sun got lower and cooler. That is what we did and we successfully got the man back out of the canyon to safety. He was still very weak and tired and we had to stop a lot for him to rest in the shade. We did give him all of the water we had on the way out since he needed it. We gave him our phone number and asked him to call us when he got safely back home which he did a bit later. He said his mom had made him dinner and he had just taken a shower, a happy ending! Just a warning to be very careful in the heat, know where you are going and really, don't hike in the hot part of the day.