i couldn't sift through that whole predator thread.........but HEAD'S UP PEOPLE! there is a suspected child molester living @ or near the spings: the guy is called scott, he's about 50, been there at least since summer solstice, and i suspect is a wanted child molester from utah. he fits the description; the police have been around the mountain showing his picture. i have confronted this person on several occasions with point blank accusations, the last time being last saturday. he threatened to shoot me and tried to push me in the river. now i know everyone wants to be peace and love, but evil needs to be checked by the idealisticly strong. the cops can't seem to get him; every time they fly in, he just fades into the bush. i don't want to get shot, but i'll be damned if i'm going to let this guy hang out in pedophile paradise at a place that has been special to me my whole life. i need help! suggestions? by the way, my name is jason, i currently reside on the monutain, people like wizard know me personally and i am in no way trying to slander anyone. also there is guy with a young girl (his claimed daughter) who's been there for at least a month, and who is chummy with scott. it's another big red flag. there is a third guy who's been there all summer. he's looks to be in his 30's, kinda buffed, tatoos around his biceps and short hair. he seems to keep to himself, his primary interest is trying to woo unattached females. i don't really have a problem with him, except that he's been there ALL summer.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/02/2010 10:45AM by jcrew.