My thanks go out to everyone who has contributed to this discussion, it's been fun.
I have to admit to Gary that I don't personally claim to be the king of anything/anybody, and the only minerals I'm in to are the ones dissolved in hot water! My addiction to the High Sierra and hot springs have influenced my choice in a screen name. You can tell a lot more about a person from his or her screen name than a formal given name I think. All of the different alias's of everyone posting on this site give a colorful picture of the people behind the screen names. Now I'm laughing!
As for Mike Castro and the Bowen Ranch, I can see I'll have make the trip up there and draw my own conclusions. I promise my opinion of the situation will be honest and unbiased and published in detail on this forum, maybe after it cools off a little bit(cluck, bock-bock). I'm sure the whole Bowen Ranch/DCHS experience is still just as beautiful and magical as it was five years ago. I know for certain that the hot springs at Deep Creek are much more than just a hole in the ground that hot water is coming out of. To the readers of this forum it seems to be more like a way of life, and everybody is loving it!