I hope i didn't stir up too much muck in the normally placid waters of the Deep Creek Forum.
Gary, thanks for summing it all up for me in so few words.
Az Mike wrote : "... What's that all about?"
I apologize for being so vague when referring to "the DCHS community". What i meant was everyone including visitors, property owners, gatekeepers, need to be held accountable for their actions by someone. Who? You talk to them everyday on the message board. Gee, i hope i hit hot water at the bottom of this hole I'm digging myself into! I haven't been to the springs for a few years. So i don't know Jack except what i read on this site. So I'm on neither side of the barbed wire fence. Just an observer looking in from the outside with one big DCHS discussion monkey on my back!
Katrina, thanks for being so consistent.