Katrina... please... help us understand you.
We know you believe Mike Castro is evil, dangerous, and does not have a right to the Bowen Ranch. That message has come through about a zillion times. We understand that.
We get the message that you are trying to "save" us all from Mike and his evil ways.
We get it... we don't need to hear it any more. Okay?
Tell us what possesses you? What do you do for a living? What do you do with all your free time?
Whay are you so bitter and revenge-filled? Are you single, do you have a family? Do you have any friends? Are you lonely? Depressed? Bi-Polar? What gives? Do you spend all your time in the law library, in the public records section of the San Bernardino County offices? Do you have a life? Is there any other priority in your life but to bring grief to this forum?
Please tell us... Should we be sitting down when we hear it? Can we get you some professional help? Seriously...