Az Mike wrote 07-07-03 20:41,
"...get the other side of things by speaking with Mike at Bowen Ranch to, in order to weigh matters fairly in your mind."
Thanks Az Mike, this sounds like very good advice. But what would really happen if I actually went through with this plan of boldly venturing into the "lawless land" of the Bowen Ranch? Some postings I've read could imply that I would be welcomed into a mellow party atmosphere at the ranch house. Other postings hint of a certain unease around the ranch property and some postings sound as if I would be buried out in the desert somewhere if I dared to enter. I suppose there is only one way to find out. After all, $5.00 sounds like a fair deal for permission to stay overnight anywhere in California. It seems to me it was the same price 5 years ago, was it not? Doesn't the fee buy me some security for my vehicle? What would happen if I approached the dreaded toll gate and just paid the $5.00 with a positive attitude and maybe a smile? Would I be allowed to bring my dirt bike to ride on forest/BLM land? Are there still fire safe campsites at the ranch? Do you honestly think I would have a good time at the Bowen Ranch/DCHS? ...Or will I be chased down by some motorcycle-riding, pistol packin madman? A lot of questions I know, sorry in advance.