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Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

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July 08, 2003 12:38PM
AZ Mike,

Thanks for the input. I don't mean to offend any side of the arguement, but to tell you the truth, I really don't give a rip about Mike Castro, the Bowen Ranch, who owned it, who thinks they own it, and what the history may or may not be. Whether he is a saint or a hood, it just doesn't matter that much to me.

I've really heard both sides of the story, and it hasn't changed my view or concerns about getting to Deep Creek. Well, maybe that's not the entire truth... and I've said this before:

I'm sure that there is truth and some rumor to both sides of the story. Even before I heard Mike Castro's name mentioned as being associated with the Ranch, and back to that day of my first trip to Deep Creek, I realize that folks who spend most of their time away from society, in the woods, mountains, or desert; generally have a specific reason, good or bad for being away from the general population.

I've always had my eyes and ears open, cautious, if you will, when I drive past any of those squatter-type places on the road to Bowen Ranch.

Katrina's posts don't deter me in any way from visiting, as well as yours and LaughingBears don't motivate me to jump into Mike's circle of friendship. This is all interesting reading, and sometimes entertaining, and it even sucks me into the debate at times, but none of this has changed my opinion for enjoying DCHS in the way I want to, undetered by anyone's stories (One side or the other) of Mike Castro.

The only real problem I have is.... dang! I don't seem to be able to get to Deep Creek as often as I would like. Time to fabricate a business trip to the area again....


Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 1700July 04, 2003 03:46PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

LaughingBear 898July 04, 2003 08:28PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 921July 05, 2003 11:29AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 1081July 05, 2003 08:04PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 965July 07, 2003 08:42AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 892July 07, 2003 11:59AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 875July 07, 2003 12:50PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Rick 997July 07, 2003 12:51PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 881July 07, 2003 03:42PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 1048July 07, 2003 08:03PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 855July 07, 2003 08:41PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

jobe 968July 08, 2003 05:27PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

sycamorelaughing 922July 08, 2003 11:08PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 1584July 11, 2003 07:02PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

MINERALKING 1033July 08, 2003 07:57PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 945July 08, 2003 10:05PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 942July 07, 2003 01:14PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 932July 07, 2003 03:49PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 1246July 07, 2003 05:32PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 1070July 08, 2003 12:50AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 934July 08, 2003 07:53AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 869July 08, 2003 11:49AM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 930July 08, 2003 12:38PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Arizona Mike 843July 08, 2003 02:12PM

Friends of Deep Creek Arise

katrina island 905July 08, 2003 12:12PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 889July 07, 2003 03:20PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

jobe 928July 07, 2003 03:48PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

Gary 1058July 07, 2003 04:26PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

jobe 855July 07, 2003 06:19PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

LaughingBear 926July 07, 2003 09:42PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

katrina island 973July 07, 2003 11:02PM

Re: Mike Castro's Liability to recreational users

LaughingBear 871July 08, 2003 09:59PM

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