A camera is the best tool to educate the public with. Our Friends group does not support eco-terrorism like trail or tree spiking in any way shape or form. Public exposure of enviornmental vandalism by renegade OHV riders is a far more effective means to deal with the behavior. Ultimatly, OHV users of all varieties will apply peer pressure on the non complient riders that are causing more and more restrictions on recreationalists. The leadership of powerful OHV lobbies like CORVA and Cal 4 wheel understand this. We are not opposed to motorcyclists enjoying their sport in a legal way. What has everyone stirred up in Juniper Flats is all of the illegal behavior and a lack of comitment by the BLM to solve the ongoing problem.
And while we are talking about Karma....it seems a couple of the regular OHV riders on J1299 are nursing busted legs at this time. Oh well....native spirits are like that.