I see that part of your post has already been responded to...the OHV "patrol" people cut the fences but not in an attempt to stop the cattle grazing.
'nuff said.
I wanted to respond to your question about this chief ranger guy. Last I heard (oh no...more hearsay!) he told a local resident that he is a cancer. So I say we call him Chief Cancer Enforcement Ranger Barry (half) Nelson.
Now, I'm not name-calling on the cancer part, since he apparently identified himself that way, and he enforces only cancer and not the law!
You got me on the "half" part though. I just called the poor little guy a name.
The misinformation (lies?) that he has spread have caused damage to this public land and also to relations among people on this mountain, and I'm just mad enough about it to stoop to that level. Sorry to everyone else for that, but I make no apologies to the cancer.