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Re: DCV meeting minutes, Part 2

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September 29, 2003 10:49AM
Item #3: Brochure changes. (cont.)
Changes to the brochure will, of course, also have to be approved by the USFS. Ron will submit the revised brochure for approval if there are no objections to the changes.

Break: We agreed to take a half-hour break before going on to the rest of our agenda.

Item #4: DCV logo.
Ron filled the newer members in on the details of our search for a logo to add to our brochure and web pages. We discussed the benefits of a sketch vs a photo, or a sketch done off of a photo. No specific logo has yet been decided on.

Item #5 and 6: Graffiti removal/budget.
The discussion on these two items were done together, so I have presented them together for simplicity.

Our former proposal to have a graffiti removal day was decided against because of the fact that one of our members, AZ Mike, has done all the graffiti removal along the trail from Bowen Ranch on his own. (He has done almost all of it, and plans to finish it) We discussed how our group can budget expenses for projects such as this, or reimburse members who pay out of pocket for group needs. AZ Mike does not seek reimbursement, but there may be times that reimbursement is called for. We decided to select a committee to approve budget items without the need to wait for a meeting and get consensus from the whole group. We selected a five-person committee to be composed of Wizard, Scott, AZ Mike, Ron, and myself.

Item #7: Holiday meeting schedule.
To avoid having meetings during the big holidays when attendence is likely to be low, we decided to combine the November and December meetings into one meeting to be held the first week of December.

We also discussed the desire of a TNS member, Claudia Kellersch, to celebrate her birthday on Jan. 24th with us at DCHS. (Ron, can you fill in my missing details here about who will be joining us for that day, as I was distracted and missed some of my notes...sorry everyone)

It was also suggested that we declare the same day to be a celebration of the first anniversary of our group, and to have a potluck. All agreed.

Item #8: Other issues.
a) Our brochure box by the step-over gate has been taped up twice, but is in disrepair and needs to be replaced. AZ Mike volunteered to make us a box that will be more durable. The new box should be in place by our next meeting.

b) Credits. We agreed to give public acknowledgement to AZ Mike for his efforts at graffiti removal, to Paul for fixing the step-over gate so that it no longer falls down when bumped, and to myself for promoting new memberships by telling people about our group.

c) Newsletter.
We agreed that it would be beneficial to have a newsletter, and discussed how often. We decided on once a quarter. Ron volunteered to prepare the newsletter. Anyone wanting to contribute items should email (or mail) them to Ron.

End of meeting minutes.

DCV meeting minutes

sycamorelaughing 1097September 29, 2003 10:22AM

Re: DCV meeting minutes, Part 2

sycamorelaughing 643September 29, 2003 10:49AM

Re: DCV meeting minutes/missed detail

sycamorelaughing 629September 29, 2003 10:53AM

Re: DCV meeting...comments

sycamorelaughing 723September 29, 2003 11:08AM

Re: DCV meeting...comments

Paul P. 741September 29, 2003 12:18PM

Re: DCV meeting minutes

LaughingBear 730September 29, 2003 09:06PM

Re: DCV meeting minutes

Ron 771September 30, 2003 08:23AM

Re: DCV meeting minutes

sycamorelaughing 664September 30, 2003 12:02PM

Re: DCV meeting minutes

Paul P. 1153September 30, 2003 05:32PM

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