Naked Man, I find your contention that Katrina is a terrorist on a Jihad and that by posting here you are condoning her terrorist activities is down right amusing. Why, what she is doing is almost on par with 9-11 :-) Well I know you have your strong veiws about this and as you suggested you can certainly make your own discussion forum and Deep Creek website. But wouldn't that just be more advertisement about DCHS, and wouldn't that bring just more " Bad " people through the " Giant " JF3 " expressway to the springs. Just an observation :-) How specifically has Katrina " damaged the springs " as you suggest. Is this some tangible damage you can describe for us? Also I'm not clear Naked Man on how Katrina slandered you. I remember her citing certain laws concerning rights of privacy. Perhaps I missed the slander part. Anyway, if you and some others do make another site and discussion forum I would be interested in checking it out. Will this forum you would create discuss only DCHS issues on how to help the springs or will it also contain discussion about people, good people, bad people, who's doing what, how Katrina is bad etc, etc. Why, that would be the same thing that is happening here :-) The discussion may very well turn out to be the same, it would just be on a differant site. Oh well, time will tell :-) Have a great independance day Naked Man and all the rest of ya!