It's apparent that Katrina's not going to stop her slandering at this website. And since she's chosen to slander me as well with her ridiculous misintrepretations of the law, I have no choice but to assume she's committed to ruining the reputation of whomever gets in the way of her twisted agenda, which is, as we all should know by now, ownership of the Bowen Ranch buildings.
It blows my mind that some people actually buy into her [legal] arguments. Flaws in her logic have been pointed out numerous times, yet she continues on the same tack. More depressing is the fact that her activities here do more to damage the Springs than to help it. And that's the bottom line.
When will she stop? Zealots have a bad habit of wanting to win at all costs. Her activities here no less than a form of terrorism. While some of you may think there may be some substance to her allegations, her methods show a complete disregard for the Springs themselves, this website putting its worst foot forward for all the world to see. Katrina's made it painfully clear that her aim is not preservation of the Springs, but winning her personal jihad.
Having given this some thought over the past few weeks, it dawned on me that we're supporting Katrina's efforts by coming to this website. It's almost like we're condoning terrorism, and in light of 9/11, I find that somewhat of a 'moral' dilema -- it may be time to do something about that.
On this day of our celebration of American independence, July 4th, perhaps lovers of the Springs should declare our own independence by opening a new forum and website dedicated to preservation of the Springs, and continue with our ideas to preserve and protect it in a NEW forum, and watch DCHS, Inc's site fade into obscurity.