Smokescreener said: "could it be because you started a slander against your past business partner ,completely leaving out [y]our involvement, and then once "exposed" you attempted to paint yourself as a victim, duped by the Tiki guy, when in fact you were a willing conspiritor who stood to profit from this enterprise and comtinues to practice this hypocrisy?
Maybe you missed some of the details of what was said, Smokey:
Wizard unwittingly asked Tiki if he was taking pictures of people at beaches, referring to me as his "little bird", after I had specifically asked Wizard not to because of the possible dangers it may [and indeed did] pose to me.
Tiki immediately comes back and states my name and the car I drive and then lies about my involvement. Having dealt with him before, and as an attempt to protect visitors of the Springs from his picture taking, I exposed HIM.
Maybe you'd have liked it better if I had said nothing about what Tiki's up to. And I don't know what you call it, but extortion basically requires someone be victimized. In case you missed this little detail, that was ME.
My hope is that 2 things should happen here: 1) Wizard's appreciation of the fact that he put me in harm's way. 2) A 'Thank You' from at least SOMEONE for exposing Tiki.