Poor frustrated little Wizard, (Van Wigington).
Aren't you a fine example of, as you put it, "Who needs to throw stones"? It's just one-way street with you. You can dish it out, but sure can't take it!
Ya,..........I was waiting to see how long it would take you to figure out who Kat's Nightmare was, as if I hadn't left much of a clue. Kat's Nightmare = Katrina's WORST Nightmare / (Arizona Mike!)
You speak of me hiding behind a name, what about Katrina presenting the question to me a short time ago when she posted on as "Mary"? Who's hiding? I have also seen her post under different names as well in the past to.
Little Wizard, you're such a hypocrite. Your anger now shows and true colors are blooming. It's just like what Mike, Tanya and Kevin once said to me, you need to go away. How absolutely right they were.