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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

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September 06, 2020 11:56AM
I've been to DCHS anywhere from 15-20 times (I've lost count at this point), always free hiking in from Bowen Ranch. I've done it in heat waves. I've done it when there's frost on the ground. I've done it in the pouring rain.

The heat wave this weekend is the worst it's ever been. I highly recommend AGAINST going to DCHS this weekend.

I got to Bowen at 10:30 (did the new campground - sorry, I like the parking better). Free hiked in. Probably a dozen or so people there - mostly nude. I could tell the heat of the day was rolling in, so I was already hiking out by 1:00 or so. Along the way I passed THREE groups of people who were laying on the trail in the tiny bit of shade they could find, too exhausted to go on. I gave a couple of girls my one remaining water bottle. Another girl asked me if being naked helped with the heat. In a way, yes, in a way, no, I told her. I told her the good news is we're welcome to try it!

I had to stop every 25 paces or so to hike back up. And as I caught my breath, I could tell the heat was only getting worse. I brought more water than I'd ever brought before, and STILL I wish I'd brought more. It is brutal out there. My car's thermometer reported 104 when I got back to the the parking lot, and it's gonna be that hot again this weekend.

Seriously, I know every step of that trail, and this is the closest I've been to afraid. I'm not sure how those groups made it out - I wouldn't be shocked if they needed air support. If you are not VERY confident, and VERY hydrated, PLEASE think twice about going to the springs this weekend. It's dangerous.

On the off chance someone reading this is someone I passed and encouraged on my hike out, I'd love to see a reply confirming you're okay.

Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

peciousaitiff2839September 06, 2020 11:56AM

Re: Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

Wizard1432September 06, 2020 12:53PM

Hiker rescued in Ventura County after not packing enough water during heatwave

Rick986September 06, 2020 08:22PM

Re: Hiker rescued in Ventura County after not packing enough water during heatwave

neogeo951September 07, 2020 10:51PM

Re: Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

Wizard1116September 07, 2020 10:53PM

Re: Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

neogeo1223September 07, 2020 11:02PM

Re: Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

Wizard1429September 08, 2020 10:46PM

Re: Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

jaybirdsen1132September 10, 2020 08:50AM

Re: Trip report 9/4 - and a WARNING

Naked Mayor1884October 10, 2020 08:36AM

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