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The Moon is Waning Gibbous (62% of Full)


Castro and his gun AGAIN ?

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October 18, 2011 01:09PM
I went to the Freedom trail head and camped out Sunday night. It was a very beautiful week end, until I passed by Mike Castro behind the Bowen ranch Monday evening. He went for his gun as soon as he reconized me. As "IF" I am a threat or something !!! He went for a side arm that was at his waist, as if this were in the wild west or some thing, as if he were a gunslinger or some thing ? I find his behaviour very childish even funny ;~)
About 15 years ago, as he was 86ing me from his "RANCH" I told him I wanted to see him still at the ranch 20 years from now. I am glad he has almost met my obligation. I expect to see him there 20 years from now too. He was correct when he made this statement to me, that "he is the perfect person for this job."
I agree with him totally.
I had a witness in my passenger seat who post here sometimes. Weather or not he wishes to add to this is up to him.
I want to state to whom ever is concerned : As long as Mike Castro is doing his job legally I am "NOT" a threat to him. The only way I could be a threat is if he is not obeying the law . So, is this a sign of a paranoid criminal ? What is he afraid of ??? I am the opposite of a threat to him. I hold him blamless to any thing that has happened in the past. Be it real or imagined.
Besides all of this my Daddy taught me when I was a tiny little boy to never fight with a crazy person. He said " you will only make them mad and they will not appreciate your helping them. "
So this is my attempt to help Mike Castro.
Get A life !

Castro and his gun AGAIN ?

jobe2301October 18, 2011 01:09PM

California gov. signs bill banning open carry of handguns

Rick1130October 18, 2011 03:58PM

Re: California gov. signs bill banning open carry of handguns

SilverAvion1143October 18, 2011 08:33PM

Re: Castro and his gun AGAIN ?

jobe1175October 19, 2011 11:07AM

Re: Castro and his gun AGAIN ?

SilverAvion1149October 19, 2011 08:15PM

Re: Castro and his gun AGAIN ?

Wizard1633October 22, 2011 11:32AM

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