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October 15, 2010 07:13AM
Hey Joe I don't remember that guy Robert except for that little Spanish guy she was hanging wit for a while. although I have met a lot of people in that area so if I saw him Id probably remember him. We make or own beds. I have noticed over the years of living in the Village that a lot of people who live in the village once where big hot springers in the day, but as time goes by they stop going to the springs and become swallowed up by the by the village Drama, Its probable because there are dead Indians buried there.
Yes people are here a very friendly to visitors until they realize you will be staying. Then they afraid our going to be taking there jobs or trying to stop the logging company's or coal companies. I was invited once to a small protest against Mountain top removal of Coal. When I was there there where more protesters from California Than from WV. The East Coast is very different form us laid back Californians., at least where i am at in Southern WV. It is considered the bible belt so there are churches every where., YOu wont be able to find a gas station or a store but you will be able to find a church. It goes like this on a lot of areas House house house house church house house church house house then a church across the street. house house church cemetery.. across the street church, Seriously, in some place there is a church ever tenth of a mile. Get the drift. I have to be careful who I talk too, about the hot springs . There a bit up tight about nudity. The Way I can explain this hole experience is this way. The Andy Griffith Show and the movie Oh brother how art thou( the cult movie with Georg Cloney) crossed together. This area is where RED Neck Was created. I m trying not to talk like them but once in a while I find myself adding like 5 extra o's in the word no or several extra a's in the word day. I'v instructed several of my friends from Maryland to punch me if they see any kind of a draw emanating from my mouth. It is very difficult to understand the West Virginia Language. Really it like a different dialect. It is not really a southern accent such as the south similar. but different It reminds me of a language called Boonleggin I think and that was started in a place called Boonville in N, California near Ukiaha off of 101. When they are speaking I look at them ,smile and shake your head. and say ya once in a while. Ok take care happy springing Iii MIiiSSSS THE Sparrings EDDEE

wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee2324October 11, 2010 10:57PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard1242October 12, 2010 10:30PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee1103October 13, 2010 05:58AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe991October 13, 2010 06:34AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee965October 13, 2010 07:31PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard966October 13, 2010 11:49PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe1000October 13, 2010 07:19AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee820October 13, 2010 07:49PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard927October 13, 2010 10:50AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee903October 13, 2010 08:59PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard1002October 13, 2010 11:27PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard963October 13, 2010 10:56AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe975October 14, 2010 09:23AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee1546October 15, 2010 07:13AM

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