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The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

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October 13, 2010 11:27PM
Thats a crack up Ed about the Yellow Jasper Arrowhead and the clueless archeologist:-) I would love to have seen a video of that whole thing. What gets me is these archeologist types think that human history and creativity somehow has to stop so that the terrains they study are capsulized from present to past, as shown by their disdain for anything new thats introduced into the same environments. Its like their trying to stop human activity, creativity, which constantly is in motion causing new landscapes of human artifacts and history all the time anyway in each consequent generation. They are wishing for the impossible and look ridiculous in expecting that. The indignation of these guys about something as simple as you putting some clay heads around in places is so laughable, like the world should stay static so it can be their private unchanging research project. Well my heads are now adding to the insane mayhem that the Head Religion is bringing!

Related to this somewhat, I have put alot of my heads out in Granite Mountains near where I live in places I like. I go out there hiking to check on them from time to time. I put them in little niches in the rocks too like you have and when I checked one of my heads someone had place a large rock in front of the little cubby hole that my head was placed in. I removed the rock and saw that the head was still there. Now this is way out in the middle of nowhere, no roads, motorcyles or even horses go out there because its to dang rocky for them. So I was wondering why someone did this. Maybe they were concealing the head to bring someone ( like our expert archeologist types ) to come out and check out the " strange artifact " they had found. Otherwise why wouldn't they just take the head.

Anyway to add to their mental mystery of what they had found I carefully removed the head and placed the rock back in the same position so that when and if this person ever came back they would remove the rock to find inexplicable the head had vanished :-) Then they might look around and wonder if the natives were watching them :-) That head was quite primitive and old looking because of the way I prepared it and since it had been out there a couple of years the weather had chipped its surface in a few places revealing the rough clay material inside which looks natural with little small rocks in it and not like mass produced clay that people by in craft shops and such. I also soak my heads for a couple of days in Grape juice which give them a dark brown surface which can turn rather blackish under certain conditions, as was the case with this head.

Well I just moved that head to another cool spot where it sits to this day, in a dark crevice with some other interesting rocks that I found, one of the rocks is from the shore of Lake Tahoe. Thanks for that funny story Ed and hopefully we will hear from you from time to time. Perhaps you will get a free Flickr site going too. Its fun and easy and all you need is a basic digital camera. Take care and good luck in your paradise in the Appalachian Holler :-)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2010 11:34PM by Wizard.

wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee2304October 11, 2010 10:57PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard1229October 12, 2010 10:30PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee1083October 13, 2010 05:58AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe978October 13, 2010 06:34AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee949October 13, 2010 07:31PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard953October 13, 2010 11:49PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe986October 13, 2010 07:19AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee804October 13, 2010 07:49PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard906October 13, 2010 10:50AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee888October 13, 2010 08:59PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard987October 13, 2010 11:27PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard949October 13, 2010 10:56AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe962October 14, 2010 09:23AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee1529October 15, 2010 07:13AM

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