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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Crescent (4% of Full)


Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

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October 13, 2010 08:59PM
That is Hilarius. about the archeolgest. the head. Yes the heads have created a bit of an up roar for the BLM FS archeologist.Although it was not meant to be. I have I a similar archeologist story that happened at the Hot spirngs. I wonder if it is the same Archeologist. This guy was a NF archeologist. It happened not to long ago I think about 2005. Well this Archeologist and his little work crew, where taking a break at the hot springs because they where doing something up there near the old moss mill area. So they where just kicking back eating there lunch and I was making arrow heads. Im not sure if you know Vaness, James, Dave and Rhonda and that crew that use to come down from Big bear. Well I had made an arrowhead out of yellow jasper and gave it to James. Now if you Know James he can be a bit of a rude sarcastic individual at times. Well this archeology crew was down there and James showed this arrow head to the archeologist guy that was heading that little dig, acting like he just found it. Well this Archeologist gathered his little crew together. and started to explain how this arrow head was really old about 3000 BC because the style resembles the pinto basin complex and they have found similar arrow points in the area that would suggest a migration pattern between the pinto basin complex and the newer Woodland culture merging in the area of deep creek bla bla bla bla. Well by now James is on the ground in a fetal position laughing his head off Rhonda has her head in her knees embarrass for the guy and Vaness is cracking up shaking her head and David is just staring at the guy with that sh** ass eating grin on his face , Then James just jumps up from his fetal position of hilarity and yells your so full of SH** " This guy right here just made that Arrow point not more than an hour ago.. Im sitting there where I used to sit just above the Anniversary pool under those willows, dressed like something that just came out of a cave. or the cave man days, I looked at him and say " Its true". He says " I don;t believe you" I showed him my points and how I make them and Jame is yelling Burnnnn. while im trying to show him the arrowhead making stuff . That guy was kind of embarrassed he turned red. His little crew were cracking up. he laughed it off with complements of my workmanship but he was pissed. I could tell. Later one of his crew came up and told me that that guy was kind of a nerd.

probably the same guy I kind of feel sory i have been inadvertent tormenting him concerning his career. . Ok Wizard take care EDDEE Oh yea Vet Ed is my real I go by Eddee as a nick nooooo just kiding. EDDEE is my real name. see yas

wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee2304October 11, 2010 10:57PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard1229October 12, 2010 10:30PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee1083October 13, 2010 05:58AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe978October 13, 2010 06:34AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee949October 13, 2010 07:31PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard953October 13, 2010 11:49PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe986October 13, 2010 07:19AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee804October 13, 2010 07:49PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard906October 13, 2010 10:50AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee887October 13, 2010 08:59PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard987October 13, 2010 11:27PM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Wizard949October 13, 2010 10:56AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

jobe962October 14, 2010 09:23AM

Re: wow lots has happend in my absence.

Eddee1529October 15, 2010 07:13AM

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