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The Moon is Waning Gibbous (57% of Full)


Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

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April 27, 2002 05:07AM
I agree with you Paul.But , prohabition and the drug war are failures.What needs to happen is this.Men should be men.Stop being spectators and sieze the moment.There are to many people who watch this drama unfold before them. As if they were watching television,and do nothing.So this is the real problem, all the real men are becoming dopes and television spectators. I am not in favor of more government control.I am in favor of men becoming real men.Step away from the TV. Sieze the moment, do something.And thanx for the update.

Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Paul P. 1308April 26, 2002 05:24PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

EastBay 682April 26, 2002 06:31PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Arizona Mike 717April 26, 2002 07:01PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Paul P. 743April 26, 2002 09:27PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

JOBE 685April 27, 2002 05:07AM

New Dialogue on DCHS?

Viejo Bill 663April 27, 2002 05:38AM

Re: New Dialogue on DCHS?

mp 684April 27, 2002 02:54PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Wizard 736April 27, 2002 09:52AM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Viejo Bill 801April 27, 2002 11:13AM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Paul P. 659April 27, 2002 12:57PM

Re: New Dialogue on DCHS

Ron 673April 29, 2002 08:20PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Free our forests 710April 29, 2002 12:06PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Wizard 775April 29, 2002 02:00PM

Re: Bagby HS changes- Is this Deep Creek's Future?

Wizard 1328April 30, 2002 08:27AM

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