Kingnate you stated, " sorry wizard . but it just seems like you feel this place is only for a certain few, when i feel this planet is for all of us ". The way your sentence is structured imply's that your use of the word " place " is synonymous with " planet ". I don't know how you come up with the idea that if I suggest that rules are needed and have a purpose in various social structures that this means that I think that this planet is only for a few. There are all sorts of rules, and people will always argue about them, but who in their right mind would say that society would function better, free of all rules. Of course there are lots of people in this world that desire a life situation that binds them with no rules, people who like the " law of the jungle " rules where only the people who have the various forms of power ( strength, aggressivness, weaponary, etc ) to get what they want, doing what they want by means of force are the individuals or groups who get things the way they want it, the form of freedom they desire. People of this mindset are truly the ones that you will find would consider that " this place is only for a certain few ".
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2009 10:05PM by Wizard.