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Re: SC44

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July 01, 2007 11:13PM
Mojavegreen, Photographs taken just after the " supposed " Jet liner impact at the Pentagon, show a roundish, aprox 20 foot hole in the outside wall of the Pentagon, and directly adjacent windows to the impact site, are even intact. There is no evidence of the debris of a full sized jet liner crash seen anywhere on the grass area in front of the impact point, with also no scarring of the grass area of any kind. The subsequent fire weakened the the floors in the area of the impact and collapsed the exterior of the building up to the top levels, and this image is what was used to portray the damage to the Pentagon which could be " sold " to the unaware public as the impact damage of a full sized jet liner. If a full sized jet liner hit the Pentagon, it wouldn't disappear into a roundish 20 foot sized hole. Of all the video evidence purported to be held by the goverment that should clearly show what impacted the Pentagon, why has no video evidence been shown to the public, video that would show a full sized jet liner hitting the Pentagon? The government said the fire fromt he crash was so hot, that it essentially totally incinerated the full size Jet liner. This is impossible and totally ridiculous! Ask yourself, what pieces of this " supposed " full size jet liner was ever shown in the media as evidence of this crash. What was shown was just a few smallish piece's purported as parts of the exterior of the plane. Other items were taken away secretively wrapped in tarps, never to be seen again. A very large engine piece that was purported to be from the Jet Liner, was clearly shown to be a part from a completely differant type of much smaller military jet fighter. So how did that end up at the crash scene? The questions and inconsistancies with the " official story " are too numerous to even mention here. So if it can be established, by sensible information, that it is impossible that a full sized Jet Liner hit the Pentagon, then this does bring up the question, as you ask Mojavegreen, what then did happen to the "supposed " hijacked airliner, and its passengers? But the circumstance that this question you ask, appears to have no explanation at this time, does not negate the glaring and inconceivable inconsistancies in the " official version " of what impacted the Pentagon on 9-11.


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Wizard 668June 23, 2007 01:18PM

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Wizard 655June 29, 2007 10:25PM

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mojavegreen 712July 01, 2007 10:33PM

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Wizard 662June 29, 2007 10:53PM

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Wizard 690June 29, 2007 11:34PM

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Wizard 656June 29, 2007 11:53PM

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mojavegreen 697July 01, 2007 10:58PM

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Wizard 639July 01, 2007 11:13PM

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mojavegreen 791July 03, 2007 10:56AM

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Wizard 650July 01, 2007 11:20PM

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Wizard 877July 02, 2007 09:35PM

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Wizard 1491July 03, 2007 12:29PM

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