Dictator, Mr Above The Law Bush, strikes again, giving his crook friend Libby a get out of Prison Card. Remember when Dictator Bush said not so long ago, " the constituation is just a god damm piece of paper ". Bush, Chenny, Rice, Rove, the rest of thier gang of criminals just do what they want, because no constitution, no judicial system, no sentiments of the consensus of the American People is a factor in them determining thier criminal course. That Slime Bag Bush didn't even have the guts to make his announcement in a public forum, he did it while wisking around in his flying hidout, Air Force One. Well Keith Oberman will be doing a Special Comment segment in his broadcast tomorrow on MSNBC. He mentioned that within the Special Comment, he will be suggesting that Bush and Chenny, should tender up thier resignations. I'm sure Keith will have plenty of other harsh comments to go along with this. Check it out, at least keith has the guts to say what needs to be said about all the crooks who have hijacked this country.