Not sure about the validity of this source, as it is from a lower level. Nonetheless, I keep an open mind and find it interesting in relation to this thread:
March 2007
Our emphasis on the need for swift action on this issue
springs from a number of scientific and societal reasons, among
them, the matter of your dwindling global water supply, which is
now a calamity in the making. Without a sufficient water supply,
including an adequate flow of water in the major rivers of Earth,
humanity cannot exist. This scenario now threatens the nations of
Africa, Asia, and the Americas. As water scarcity approaches, it
puts increasing pressure on the many instabilities that already
exist in the areas just mentioned, thus strengthening the
potential for serious discord. This situation demands your close
attention, especially given the added destabilizing effects of
global warming on an already volatile mix.
These fast-growing predicaments make it critically important
for you to be very clear that these are not regional issues, but
global ones that can only be solved on a global basis. The
unconscionable, continued use of fossil fuels is absurd in the
type of global environment that you are now entering. Our Earth
allies know this, and have drawn up plans to rectify the most
crucial damage of your long reign of thoughtlessness. One of the
measures of a society's ability to survive is the way it adapts to
its changing surroundings and makes necessary course corrections
required for survival. Your present dark elite has chartered a
deadly course that will either decimate or totally wipe out
humanity. This matter of literal survival is the prime reason why
these amoral ones must go.