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Re: SC28

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November 03, 2006 10:30PM
Keith Oberman on MSNBC has been really saying it like it is about the band of crooks running our country these days, specifically Bush. He showed a video a couple of days ago where Bush was at a political function some time ago, and is seen joking about " just where " the Weapon's Of Mass Destruction are, no where to be found, just like Scott Ritter ( weapons inspector ) predicted before the Iraq War. Bush is seen looking around in differant directions, then looking under the podium, then looking up with a smile and shrugging his shoulders. Yep folks, this guy Bush thinks its just a Big Joke that no Weapons Of Mass Destruction were ever found. The truth is, he knew, all along, made the case for war with complete, made up lies. His policies have cost this country hundreds of billions of dollars in war cost, racking up a bill, that won't be paid by Bush, no, its us and our children who will bear the burden of that, and right now, its all going on credit, and I don't think you have a calculator powerful enough to show how much the interest payments will be on this quickly growing debt. Thousands of American Soldiers lives lost, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people perished, literally millions of the extended family members of these people affected by the deaths of thier loved ones, and why, because of something this idiot Bush thinks is really just a Big Joke, Ha, Ha. I would love to get this jerk Bush up on a huge stage, with all of the extended family of all the people that have died from his illegal, premptive, and unethical wars in Iraq and Afganistan, and see if he has the balls to tell his funny joke then, not in front of his suck up little republican party hacks. We have a chance to make some serious changes next Tuesday, a real opportunity to begin to take our country back from Dictator Bush and his Axis Of Evil Cabal, Chenney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz, Roe, etc, etc. Of course most of us will be voting on Electronic Voting Machines that are showing every sign that they can be easily hacked to create a rigged election. The US, is basically having an election, where there is essentially for the most part no oversight of the results, no paper trail for a recount, no way to verify the presence of a corrupt outcome. But don't worry, Jeb Bush, in whose state the last election was stolen by fraudulent activities, says the machines are fine by him, and ready to go! There are realistically a vast array of ways for these crooks to screw you out of your vote, but you will never know it, if we continue to tolerate elections that have no paper trail, no way to prove what we did individually as citizens. After the elections, we shall see over the course of the winter what happens to gas prices, what happens in the Iran situation where just this week both the US and Iran were doing war games not too far from eachother. You want the US soldiers to stop dying for the lies told by this administration about why we " had " to go premptively attack Iraq? It won't happen while these crimminals are calling the shots, because they control all the main branches of this government. The bottom line is they have done what they have done, to steal oil from other countries, because they don't have the guts to face the responsibility of our countries addiction to this substance, and find responsible ways to solve our predicament, here in the United States ( not the Homeland like in Bushes Hitler Fantasy )! We have a looming huge problem regarding the energy that runs the United States economy, but, this does not give any justification whatsoever to the pack of lies and deceptions perpetrated by this administration so it could fool the American Public into accepting the moves done by Bush and Crew since the beginning, first Big Lie, 9-11. If the truth is, by our collective acceptance of such corrupt actions as premptive, immoral wars for oil, and the rampant killing of those who have the oil we so desperately need, that this, is the only course we can stomach, then we might as well blow off the charade, and tell it like it is, its Law Of The Jungle Time, if my club is bigger, and if there is more of us than you, then WE WIN, and we can look into the eyes of our children, and know that they will understand the wisdom of our actions! But thats not going to work for me, and I'll do whatever I can, to see these thugs get what they deserve, and taking power away from them in Tuesday's elections, is an important first step, and it will only come to fruition, if enough of us voice our disapproval by voting, and showing these idiots and crimminals that we won't stand for what they are doing to our country.


Wizard 1306October 29, 2006 07:17PM

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Wizard 901November 01, 2006 08:54PM

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Wizard 786November 03, 2006 11:01PM

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Rick 751November 03, 2006 11:13PM

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jobe 804November 04, 2006 09:21PM

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Rick 1508November 04, 2006 10:56PM

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Wizard 827November 05, 2006 12:04PM

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Wizard 800November 05, 2006 03:32PM

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Wizard 986November 05, 2006 03:55PM

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Wizard 890November 05, 2006 09:25PM

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Wizard 936November 08, 2006 08:23PM

Good riddence, Richard Pombo

mojavegreen 753November 09, 2006 09:06AM

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Paul P. 823November 08, 2006 09:32PM

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Wizard 718November 08, 2006 11:20PM

Re: SC28

jobe 907November 09, 2006 08:25AM

Plug Power and Honda Prep for Next Phase of Home Energy Station

Rick 1337November 22, 2006 01:46PM

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