Hi Wizard, "Drano for thought clogs", I think they sell some drugs for that, problem is it's just another dependency. The question of freewill is an interesting one, I think though it's important to see how will is a product of the past and is conditioned by it. Any action taken from that source is therefore conditioned. Is there an action not conditioned by the past as will? Is perceptby Rob - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Thanks for the reply, Wizard, the question of whether thought can ever come in contact with truth is an interesting one. Thought acquirers knowledge, is knowledge truth? Is knowledge ever complete? We are adding immense amounts of knowledge, and will continue to add to the body of knowledge at an ever increaseing rate into the forseable future. But does this knowledge prevent the perception of trby Rob - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Hi Wizard, yes I think it's important to see the limits thought has in discovering truth, after all, the world is being ripped apart by different "takes" on what truth is. Different beliefs seperate humanity along with other deeply held identifications with nation or ethnicity. Why has human consciousness become so fragmented? Is it not that we each seek security in something we perceivby Rob - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California
Thank you for this thread. Truth, indeed is a touchy subject, many people claim TRUTH, to be in their possesion, but usually that truth has a motive, or conditioning biasing the perception. Most of us feel the "self" is self evident, so to speak, as every day experience seems to bare out. Is there an ultimate, unconditioned or absolute Truth? Can thought come up with it, or is Truth ofby Rob - Deep Creek Hot Springs, Apple Valley, California