So did you take a dive ?
I`m certain the place has changed since 1990, the last time I was there.
I am in no way disagreeing with your observations Mike.
Are you planing a trip there say Sunday ?
Those two out houses and pic-nic tables is where I used to park. There is a large flat area there. Did you get to drive up + down hook creek road and see those cute houses? My girl friend had some friends who lived there and I envied them. Her mother still lives up there. I will go see her and some ex neighbors I respect a lot. Tho last I heard they were divorced. :~(
OH the T-6 crossing is next to the Pic nic tables as best I can tell. That is private property. If you are looking on the same map as I am you will notice the white areas are private land and the yellow areas are government.
Is that the same map you have ?
It would not make since to put a bridge there.
I think it would be good if I take pictures while I am there. So there can be no childish disagreements.
Also are you going to the green tree meeting?
Where you say the road splits was there back then one road was 4 two wheel drive the other was 4 4 wheel drive. Either way you had to get a good runnig start to climb the hill. Not a problem with that toy of yours.
It is like every thing else Mike you see things your way I see things mine. It still tickles me that you think you park on the Bowen ranch , HA HA.
I am certian Castro has no intrest in telling you the truth.
Have a happy FULL MOON .