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Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

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July 16, 2003 05:06PM
Fair enough Celtfire.
I'll turned it down, if JOBE does.

The problem stems from the fact that I originally reported some worthy information about the T-6 crossing and then he (JOBE) comes along and attempts to correct me on something that I know is truly correct in what I reported. He questions me about every little detail as if I didn't know what I was talkling about. I was there and he wasn't!! Then he claims he wasn't in the last 10-years, ........... so what the hell does he know about it if he hasn't been for 10-years?!!!

Just look at every post he made and then read my return replies to him. Here's an example of what I am talking about:
He says in one of his posts he made that the T-6 crossing is actually Sheep Creek and where the road splits is actually a dry creek bed. Both of his comments are incorrect and I made it known to him, ... he simply either cannot read a map or he's misinterrupts what he sees, ...... hell, I can't help that.

Here's another example:
He claims that there were two women in the area of T-6 naked or semi-dressed and does a wolf call to them. In the first place, he knows damn well there's a USFS regualtion in that area of T-6 of no nudity there and so does everyone else, there is a posted sign before you get to the crossing. I know enough about the area and have been there a few times since I first made my report back on 7/11/03 at 8:24 AM, that there's not bunch of people in that area running around naked. Who's he trying to fool? Why should I let him (JOBE) talk crap to people reading this forum and then be misinformed about it? What he's attempting to do is to mis-inform everyone whether he realizes it or not. Someone needs to correct him and I will when the time comes. I'm not looking for a fight or feud, but I'll hold my ground when I know he's saying something wrong to you folks.

I am truly sorry that there's some friction here on the forum and some you folks have to be exposed to some of it. The little feud between Katrina and Laughing Bear going is another example the same. She'll report something that is incorrect and Laughing Bear comes along and corrects her. It all looks like a little feud going on and we're all exposed to it. She'll make it look like there's World War III going at in area of Bowen Ranch if one didn't any better. Thank God our friend Laughing bear is there to put her in check.

JOBE is one these people that have been banned from entering Bowen Ranch property and I can see why. What I and others have experienced from him is the very same thing that Mike, Kevin and Tanya have experience and none of us deserve that.

Yes, ....... I'll turn it down if JOBE does.


The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

Arizona Mike 3655July 11, 2003 08:24AM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

LaughingBear 1108July 11, 2003 11:03AM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

jobe 1106July 11, 2003 12:49PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

Arizona Mike 1090July 11, 2003 07:13PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

jobe 1093July 11, 2003 09:17PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

Arizona Mike 1038July 12, 2003 05:40AM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

Arizona Mike 951July 13, 2003 08:36PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

jobe 1059July 13, 2003 01:12PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

Arizona Mike 948July 14, 2003 11:58AM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

katrina island 1104July 11, 2003 01:11PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

jobe 1219July 15, 2003 04:47PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

Arizona Mike 992July 16, 2003 11:48AM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

LaughingBear 1001July 12, 2003 05:43PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

jobe 1008July 13, 2003 12:45PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

jobe 1012July 16, 2003 11:56AM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

celtfire 994July 16, 2003 01:33PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

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Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

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Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

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Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

Arizona Mike 875July 16, 2003 05:06PM

Re: The T-6 Crossing of Deep Creek

LaughingBear 1291July 15, 2003 10:20PM

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