For the brief trip report. If you look closely at your map you will find. (!) The creek at the T-6 crossing is according to the map called Sheep creek. (2) The two places where the road appears to split, are actually dry creek beds.I suppose the government found it nessary to waste more of our money, building that bridge. I have crossed the creek there in my two wheel drive van. Only to become stuck on the far side.
Deep creek starts @ 1/2 mile down stream, and goes up stream from there a few miles. But don`t take my word for it. Go hike around some more and report back here some more. :~)
Also ? are those two out buildings out houses still there ?
OOHH this is boy scout property remember ? Maybe they payed to build this bridge. Ask the builders who is paying them.
If you think the trash is bad there you would probably puke if you saw lake Meade. This is all because of the bad example set by parents. Or lack of principals of the creeps, doing it. Moral degeneration of society as a whole.
I am slowly learning to to ignore the waste away of these degenerates. So I can still enjoy the naturel parts here. I know it is hard Mike. The more you care the harder it is to ignore.
I think you will really in joy the devil`s hole Mike, try and find it next time.
Enjoy !