Blue Corn, like I said before, if you have some specific question to ask me about my words here, or my reason for stating what I have, ask away. Emotion is part of life, it makes life worth living. Do you live a life without emotion Blue Corn ? Tell me, do you think the concept of objective is a fixed thing, set in stone? I don't. Do you live your life in part, to achieve a sense of pride and what is pride to you ? I write here simply to express my opinion on various subjects that I feel are important enough for me to respond to, I do not think of these words pride and objective when I write. To my mind, you speak in a vague fashion. You seem to offer up that what I have written here recently lacks clear thinking. Be specific, make your point clear so that I will have something to respond to. Concerning your ideas of mirrors and peoples troubles within, this idea you hold as a truth, is not something I would say represents an accurate representation of what I have seen in my life experience, in other words, I don't agree with that notion. Reasonable in terms of access to DCHS is of course a realative idea, if you are old and infirm reasonable access is quite a differant thing than if you were young and fit. You know Blue Corn, if you want to, you can hike 15 miles to DCHS, I'm happy with the current " reasonable " open routes for my access :-) You use the word heart as describing where katrina fights her war with Mike Castro. What is the heart, not an organ pumping blood in this case. It is an idea in your mind that is unique to your thinking. A vague concept that will be defined differantly by every person, is that objective, is that truth, is it real :-)