Just to add my two cents. Hiking nude should be no problem at all. I was hiking nude to the springs a few years ago and about half way down I encountered two rangers hiking out. One of them was really suffering from the heat with that heavy uniform on. I offered her one of my water bottles which she gladly took. I used the opportunity to ask her about the policy on nudity in the area. She smiled and with a sweep of her hand said "You can be nude anywhere around here.
A few years ago the BLM issued rules on nudity and to paraphrase from the regs, nudity is okay in remote places such as wilderness areas where there are no capital improvements such as camp grounds etc.
The area you cross on the hike from Bowen could be considered pretty remote I think.
The FS also has statement on nudity on their website which I think is linked to somewhere on this site.
Mecca Hills in fall winter spring is also a nice place to hike nude.