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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (60% of Full)


Re: Anyone camped at Bowen Ranch lately?

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April 04, 2012 07:43PM
I car camped at the Freedom Trail Head Sunday night. The creek water was up about 4 inches above my bellybutton when I crossed and about 55 degrees. I instantly became infatuated by a woman who looked a lot like my ex-wife and do not remember much else about Sunday ...? ! ?
Monday morning when I woke up ice had formed on my ice bucket which was outside my car. I got to the springs as the sun was rising and it was a perfect weather day. It still seemed like a weekend day as @ 30-40 persons were at the springs most of the day. Can you blame them ? I had sun lotion but did not use it , to my regret. I took my 5 gallon bucket & shovel out and added sand in front of the Anniversary pool because the willow tree there appears to be barely alive. I hope I helped it survive.
The Arizona pool was @ 6-8 inches under the creek. It is full of sand and unsoakable.
I bring 2- 30 gallon trash bags with pull strings attached for my trash runs. I appreciate your efforts in this matter.
At 4 pm as I was leaving Monday I spotted 2 California brown Eagles. I think Wizard mentioned seeing in a earlier report. One was much larger than the other. Perhaps a mating pair ? I followed them through Sage valley just west of the Freedom trail head. When I got to where the road forks I saw them again. I followed them @ 100 yard going west. Then I stopped following them. I do not want them to fly away... ever.
Kind of like my ex-wife !

Anyone camped at Bowen Ranch lately?

lbcalrr1612April 04, 2012 07:10PM

Re: Anyone camped at Bowen Ranch lately?

jobe1417April 04, 2012 07:43PM

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