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Deep Creek Hot Springs

The Moon is Waning Gibbous (57% of Full)


Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

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July 23, 2011 04:07PM
WooHoo! That was me.

At around lunchtime, a guy came down from the Bradford ridge trail, he had been freehiking, and set up near my towel in the shade; another young couple came over and also set up next to me and sunbathed nude for about an hour. There was the old man I saw at the trailhead; and a young guy I’ve seen down there before, he is in good shape and never sits still, never stays at the springs, but keeps hiking all around and through it, walking with a backpack on all day. I saw him pass through the beach area or hike around the springs like five or six times. But that was it, pretty much: 6 nudes for a short period, mostly just 2 or 3 nudes to about 15 other visitors. So you can’t fault me for being overly optimistic today.

I did hike in from the Bradford side. Freehiked all the way in. This trail doesn't get much use I bet. You have to pass a road closed sign to get to the trailhead. Just past the trailhead is a REAL road closure - gated road.

This is my first trip to DCHS and I have to say I do like it. I concur that the textile count was very high. Not what I had expected. All the reading I did lead me to believe that there were more freehikers and more skinny dippers. The couple that came in and sat by neogeo and I didn't even cross the creek nude. They got their clothes wet and then got naked near us. We were the nudist instigators. There was a second couple that did nude up after a while but only briefly after bathing suiting it up from the time I arrived until just before I left when they stripped to hit a pool. Disappointing for the nudist in me.

As for the hike... YIKES!

The hike in is not so much a terror. It is actually quite nice. Up and Down, a little bit of work here and there. Then you hit the decent into the creek, wow. About a half mile or so for a 1000 foot descent. Not so bad when you have the cool creek waiting for you. I almost turned around and went back when I looked down the hill knowing how hard it would be to get out. I pressed on. The trail gets hard to follow and then shoots through the trees until you hook up with the trail that runs along the creek. I made sure to remember the turn off for my return even though I had my GPS.

I hiked down this easier trail and into the creek area. Not a nude body in site and me wearing my boots and a pack. I passed the teen boys group that was on the other side of the creek and then dropped into the beach area and was glad to see one other nude body. Seemed a fitting place plop down and get in the much needed shade. Hydration came in earnest. I chatted with Neo for a bit and then made haste for the cool water.

How relaxing. The biggest swimming hole area is a bit on the chilly side but with a hot day and almost 2 hours of hiking it was great once I was in the water. Again, I was the only nude one in the water at the time and it was before the teenage boys left. But, who cares, I was cool again. I swam around and kept a watchful eye out for Neo's beers. I need to remember that for next time. :-)

I spent some more time in the shade and had a bit of a snack and some more water. Water is the key to this trip. I need a little mesh bag to bring along with a good string on it, something to tie it down in the cold part of the pool. Instant refrigerator. I relaxed a bit more and Neo took another look for his beer. I needed to get back on the trail as I had places to go and a long trip back. Put on the boots and packed up and off I went with a wave to Neo.

The hike back was miserable. After several hundred yards down the path it was time to get vertical. 1000 feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpit. In the blazing sun. I just couldn't fathom how hard the hike back was. It was great to free hike all alone on a pretty good trail, but very difficult. The path up the hill was tough to come down but way more daunting on the way up. It took a whole lot out of me. That made the rest much more difficult than it actually should have been. And the worst thing was there is so little shade and really no turning back. I had to move on because the only sanctuary was my truck and the A/C. I made a few, full sit-down stops in the shade to just hope I could drop enough heat to press on. And, as I am posting this - I survived. No way would anyone have found me out there, I was on my own private trail.

I exaggerate a bit, it was difficult but not life threatening.

Next time it's Bowen Ranch for me. Most importantly there will be a next time, it was a fun place to go and relax. But for gosh sakes folks, get naked.
smiling smiley

Trip report 07/22/2011

Sam D.1949July 22, 2011 12:49AM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

Mark G1019July 22, 2011 02:26AM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

neogeo1149July 23, 2011 09:14AM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

nekkid19641351July 23, 2011 04:07PM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

neogeo889July 23, 2011 09:29PM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

neogeo954July 24, 2011 12:17AM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

Sam D.1526July 24, 2011 01:41PM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

GT Soaker945July 23, 2011 04:34PM

Re: Trip report 07/22/2011

nekkid1964941July 23, 2011 04:57PM

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