Sorry about the delay as some how my computer was attacked by multiple sources. Requiring me to go to system restore and restore to an earlier version then to repair my blue tooth devices. I keep getting faster and better at these distractions.
About the Law. I have the utmost respect for the brave souls who risk their lives every day to protect our constitution and who thirst and hunger for justice.
About that penal code we must obey. Click on that gun safety web site I put up above. The numbers are sections the alphabet part are subsections of the numbers. I said that to help you understand the code. Go to 12031 (a) then read (b) then (6) and read (h), (i), (j), (1),(2),(K), (l). Those all apply to me.
I know it is confusing and hard to understand, that is why I studied it for you. The code I like the most is about camping.Camping is an overly broad term. But useful for whatever I am doing as I am now camping on the Internet. See what I mean. Therefore I am now lock and loaded to protect myself, as almost always.
Have a good day !
I have never been kicked out of my church. I have been kicked out of the synagogue of Satan more than once in an attempt to save those lost souls. Isn't that your church?
In fact I was in a synagogue near San Diego once when A guy who looked just like you pulled a rifle out on me. Do you remember that? If you had not done that I would have spit on Satan's face. Some of the lead from you rife was in the bottom of my boot. God protects his children.
And I read the newspapers almost every day, However my computer has more content. Please, keep yor automatic B.S. detector on full alert.
Funny how things turn out, eh?