Mike Castro has a concealed weopon permit. I was his friend when he was taking those classes. My gun is my equalizer. I pray I NEVER need to use it. IF and only IF I absolutely have to use it I will not hesitate. I will get a concealed weopon permit as soon as I am able. Limo Dave is a lesson for us all to learn from.
Mike has a chemical in balance in his brain. He is a really talented artist guy who is OK as long as he does not drink too much and he takes his lithium. And there in lays the problem, or should I say MY problem. And everyone who comes into contact with him. I hope he stays at the Bowen ranch forever, I'll even be his pall bearer if the need arises.
Remember - Love your neighbor as you love yourself IS my Religion and my mantra. And I love myself quite a lot.
My master instructs us to do good to those who spitefully use you. And Mike Castro IS my neighbor who has spitefully used me and many others.
Some day God will equalize eveything belive it or no. His will will happen, on earth as it is in the heavens. That is a certainty. All I want is to STAY in His will.
Have a good day ;~)