Celtfire and Rick , I was there.
And that means what?
The Richter scale at UCNorthridge broke when the quake hit.
What's a "Richter scale" and how does one break?
When it broke it registered 8.9 on the scale.
That's why it was broken. The quake was almost ten thousand weaker than that.
Little known fact : California law allows all who had damage in a 8.0 or higher earthquake to be exempt from property taxes for the year of the quake. So they fudged the numbers to get your property taxes.
Jobe, you're a moron. An 8.9 would have had the Valley in shambles. None of the damage is consistant with an 8.9. Besides, do you really think Lucy Jones, Kate Smith, Susan Hough, et al would put up with such a fraud?
You can believe the government if you want
The government had nothing to do with the data. It's there for all to see and the effects are too. It was nowhere near an 8.9. Obviously you are math challenged and obviously you just don't like the facts when they conflict with your silly beliefs.
as for me it was a 9.0 at my house @ 1 mile from the epicenter.
Had much experience with estimating quake magnitudes, Roday?
That quake shook my belief in the stability of the earths crust.
Most quakes of moderate size are able to do that to people.
We had thousands of aftershocks.
Which is completely normal. Why bring it up?
I met in the front of our house with my 80 year old neighbor to pray
Primative peoples often do that when they don't understand nature.
Immediately after we all said AMEN another @ 7. something hit
Obviously your god was angry with you.
cracking my chimney and knocking off 2 bricks. How is that for a divine answer ???
It's a god telling you she isn't pleased with your silly praying.