Moron is defined as a stupid person in my dictionary. Why demean some one who is only anwsering your questions?
Because you are acting stupid, Rodney.
When I say I was there I mean I was at ground zero of the epicenter.
So you got shock up. That doesn't make it even close to an 8.9.
I saw the ground spead out like a wave on the ocean.
Which is quite consistant with the moment magnitude of 6.7 that has been reported in peer reviewed journals.
So who is stupid.
That's still you. Being at an epicenter doesn't raise intellegence.
The eyewitness or some one who believes the government ?
What fuckin' government, Rodney? Your paranoia just makes you look stupid.
The richter scale broke when the roof came to the ground
The "richter scale" isn't an object. How can it break?
Loving every body IS the greatest commandment.
That's about tribe not all of humanity.