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Re: SC83

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January 05, 2009 04:33PM

2009 and the Settling of Overdue Accounts

Michael C. Ruppert

I have had a few very strong and clear core beliefs and lingering questions since about the time I passed from toddler to childhood. I remember wondering with great intensity, when I was about three or four, "What happens to my waste when I flush the toilet? Where does it go? Where does the trash we throw out go? I realized, even in 1955, that all we were doing was moving a mess from one place to another.

Then, just a few years later, as I was taught long division, I would get a problem like: 51/1561 =. Diligently I would draw the long division box, enter the numbers and start figuring it out. But after a long time and several sheets of paper I would come out with an answer of .032671364509929532351057014734145… It wouldn't stop. I raised my hand and asked the teacher and she said that some division problems never worked out. She explained to the class that what we did was to round off the answer to the first one or two places. I remember that my immediate reaction, marked by cognitive dissonance, was "Well what happens to all that stuff you chop off?"

"It doesn't matter", said the teacher.

It doesn't matter.

At the time my father was with Martin Marietta (now Lockheed Martin). He was also a navigator on SA 16 Air-Sea rescue planes in the Maryland Air National Guard. What the teacher told me about division contradicted a world dominated by my father's military "everything must be neat" life philosophy where absolute precision in thought and action determined who lived and who died on a battlefield. I could not possibly have formulated the thought at that age but I intuited that there was a conflict between the precision of mathematics and the way the world I lived in was managed. "Neat and orderly" under an empirically-defined system without natural, spiritual or holistic groundings just meant chopping off a lot of insoluble problems and sending them… someplace.

Things might not work out perfectly in math, but might there not be some other way to view and resolve "problems"? Something different from the way we solve them now?

Flash forward to 1974. I am now a UCLA honors graduate and in my first year on the streets as a probationary LAPD officer in South Central Los Angeles. I saw things I could never have imagined; lives not only wasted but way outside the neatness of society's glorified self image. Criminals and victims alike fell through large gaps in a paradigm that was compelled to sell itself as being able to resolve everything with neat (and neatly explained) answers. Almost instantly I viewed police work as the task of playing trash collector for "remainders" of human life. They didn't matter in that ecosystem. By 2004 when "Rubicon" was published I had firmly concluded that the impending collapse of industrial civilization had everything to do with "remainders".

It had to do with the remainders left over after dividing an infinite growth paradigm by finite energy. It had to do with dividing ethnically and economically functioning geographic regions by arbitrarily drawn British borders as happened from Jordan to Bangladesh between 1900 and 1947. It had to do with the division of labor, land, commodities, natural resources, life and the ecosphere (all of which are limited) by a "free market" economy that was not free but manipulated and which required infinite growth.

It had to do with the division of an American people, self-gratified by a manufactured public image – some of which was true – being divided by CIA-sponsored coups from Iran to Indonesia to Guatemala to Brazil to Vietnam; from coups inside this nation (i.e. JFK, MLK and RFK), to the occupation of Iraq.

It had to do with dividing so-called clean coal by the monumental toxicity of coal's actual waste that will never be cleaned up… at any price. It had to do with dividing nuclear energy by the poison that will remain deadly for hundreds of thousands of years.

It had to do with blithe and dishonest statements that there were two trillion barrels of "oil" in oil shale by the fact that it's not oil but kerogen and it has to be cracked out of rock by heating it to a third the temperature of the sun; by using enormous amounts of fresh water; by destroying millions of acres of productive farm and ranch land, and by the fact that it will never be viable by any standard.

What happens when we divide infinite economic growth with its 96% correlation to greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere?

What happens when we divide the 2,000 or so POW/MIAs left in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia by Henry Kissinger's statement that we got everyone out?

What happens when you divide the fact that a 1998 CIA Inspector General report established conclusively that the CIA dealt drugs by the fact that Congress said the matter was closed and there was no evidence?

What happens when you divide the fact that Wall Street needs to launder hundreds of billions in drug money to stay afloat; by the rule of law? Divide the Savings and Loan scandal by Enron and WorldCom et al, plus the fact that there were three times more paper mortgages being traded as derivatives than there were actual properties; by the fact that we (collectively) never mustered the will to fully address any of these crimes when we should have?

What happens when you divide the fact that, after scheduling war games to move most fighters out of the Northeast Air Defense Sector on 9-11-01, Dick Cheney injected 22 false radar blips onto radar screens and was also commanding a live-fly hijack drill as the attacks occurred, by the fact that the official version is that 19 hijackers operating from caves did it all alone?

What happens when you divide the fact that whatever created all life loves men and women equally, by the gross gender inequality fostered by cultures and religions around the world?

What happens when you divide the absolutely illegal imprisonment without trial and habeas corpus of all the detainees at Guantanamo by the fact that no country wants to be the rug that the U.S. sweeps those remainders under. (Australia has just refused a second request to accept them.)

Where did/do the remainders go? I can tell you one thing based upon a lifetime of study and experience. All those little tiny things that are cut off and forgotten go somewhere where they too collect compound interest of a spiritual, energetic, and emotional nature.

On this blog – and in the world at large – there is one group which looks at our current problems and insists on analyzing things under the erroneous assumption that these problems can be predicted, analyzed and treated by resorting to more (mere) long division… with larger and larger remainders. These people will always be wrong and they will never grasp what it is that now threatens life on the planet – namely the way they view and respond to it. Remainders can be especially dangerous when it comes to race, politics and geostrategy.

Those who can and will adapt to the new emerging paradigm will be those who have freed themselves from long division. They will be the people who discard the notions that everything has a neat empirical answer; that logic and technology will find ways to make all remainders go away. The survivors will be the ones who throw out long division as a primary methodology for perceiving the world they live in.

On a minute-to-minute basis now it is the remainders that are the big wild cards in the collapse of industrial civilization. They are having ever-larger impacts. The Palestinians in Gaza and the Occupied Territories are remainders. The Americans who have quit looking for work and fallen of the statistical charts are remainders. At the end of all these long problems lie the two to five billion people who will perish in a die off… as remainders.

And let us get one thing very clear. Free markets have no long-term vision. The long-term vision of politics is not much better, maybe a hundred feet further down a road that stretches thousands of miles.

Until the human race achieves a collective wisdom that acknowledges, incorporates and balances remainders instead of ignoring them, then mass, species-wide extinction – the ultimate "mark to market" is and will be our only ultimate destination. How far we go in that direction is up to us...........

..............All of our centuries of "remainders" are coming due. And as these remainders resolve the books of the earth, things will balance very quickly… Balance… Isn't that something we should have been seeking all along? Had we balanced (e.g.) Iran-Contra, 9-11 wouldn't have happened? Had we fairly balanced the S&L Crisis our economic collapse would have played much differently. Had CIA and Drugs been tackled fairly, George W. would never have been elected and the huge chunk of his father's staff that came back after 2000 would have been in permanent exile. Had the nation mustered the will to solve the assassination of JFK… Had "Crossing the Rubicon" been acknowledge by the federal government or the major media…

You see, we have been on the "Pay-me-now-or-pay-me-later" plan for almost all of our history, since we first cultivated crops. Of course we have almost always chosen the pay later plan.

Now is later..........

The paradigm we have lived for far too long, " Borrowing from the future ", and now because we have taken too much, dire consequence will have to be suffered. The " remainders " we have ignored for so long have become to overwhelming and no longer can be swept " under the rug " so to speak.


Wizard 1561December 22, 2008 10:28PM

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Wizard 722January 01, 2009 03:22PM

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Wizard 679January 05, 2009 04:33PM

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Wizard 789January 05, 2009 04:37PM

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Wizard 768January 05, 2009 10:51PM

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Wizard 601January 09, 2009 02:58PM

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Wizard 1337January 10, 2009 10:08AM

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Wizard 738January 10, 2009 11:31AM

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Wizard 749January 10, 2009 12:02PM

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Wizard 787January 10, 2009 02:18PM

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Wizard 757January 10, 2009 09:55PM

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Wizard 1238January 10, 2009 10:53PM

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