Ranger Nelson is chief law enforcement officer for the Bureau of Land Management for the Barstow district. Ranger Nelson is completely involved with the Mike Castro situation. Ranger Nelson told a lady that "Mike Castro can do what he wants". This was while Mike Castro had forced a car to a stop on a public road. Ranger Nelson has been personally involved in the Moss Mill Road issue and has a vested interest in the outcome.
An appropriate investigation would need to have an uninterested qualified person in charge.
The recent meeting with the BLM was about reasonable public access which included discussing Moss Mill Road and the creation of a trailhead for equestrian and other users.
The situation with Mike Castro was not the focus of the meeting. However, the situation did come up because Mike Castro directly affects public access. We did not discuss Mike Castro in depth.
However, the allegations made concerning Mike Castro are appropriate to discuss with the BLM because of his affect on public access and his extensive involvement with the BLM. The crimes alleged have both State and Federal violations.
Mike Castro was involved in the criminal destruction and blocking of a public road (this is a Federal crime), Mike Castro was involved in having a moto-cross race which was used to close all public routes to the
springs, Mike Castro was involved in the proposed 1995 plan and was instrumental in the reasons given for the plan, Mike Castro has gone onto Federal land and accosted members of the public.
Yes, some of the alleged crimes should have been handled by the Sheriff's Department and the District Attorney. Numerous individuals have filed complaints with no results.
We are hoping for an appropriate investigation so that these issues are finally examined and resolved.