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Deep Creek Hot Springs

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Re: SC64

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March 31, 2008 10:26PM

March 31, 2008

Warming Hammering Western United States

A new report indicates the US West is heating up almost twice as fast as the rest of the world, causing severe drought conditions, while threatening cities. Gee, who would have thunk ? You mean building metropolises in the desert with little more than the mid-sized Colorado River and diminishing mountain snowpack to provide water is not a good idea? Add to this ostentatious water use for agriculture and temperate gardens, and automobile and air conditioner dependent communities causing further warming (and you guessed it, much of the electricity powered by hydro dams), and all the ingredients are in place for apocalyptic ecological collapse.

Much of Western development on arid and other ecologically sensitive lands was gravely ecologically misinformed. I expect these cities to be depopulated within decades. How soon sanity and ecological knowledge comes to our economic growth, land use and energy policies will determine whether their population and other climate refugees can be absorbed by other areas already exhibiting various ecological stresses. One cannot help wonder just when those ensconced within their air conditioned, bottled water, energy dependent lifestyles will realize they are living in a mirage that threatens their families lives. Fasten your seat belt, society and you are in for the ride of your life as collapsing regional ecosystems and climate refugees become part of life...............


Wizard 1413March 18, 2008 10:18PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 899March 18, 2008 10:34PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 826March 24, 2008 09:47AM

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Wizard 741March 27, 2008 11:05PM

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Wizard 827March 27, 2008 11:38PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 1067March 29, 2008 09:54PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 758March 29, 2008 11:09PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 896March 30, 2008 10:46PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 852March 30, 2008 11:10PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 882March 30, 2008 11:41PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 752March 31, 2008 10:26PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 918March 31, 2008 10:53PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 945March 31, 2008 11:16PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 893March 31, 2008 11:38PM

Re: SC64

Wizard 695April 03, 2008 09:36AM

Re: SC64

Wizard 1510April 03, 2008 11:44PM

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