Our dependence on foriegn oil has grown steadily, all the time while Bush has been in office, from around 50% when Clinton left office, to over 60% imported currently. The United States production of oil began an irreversible decline around 1971. Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, off California, has not changed this reality, and won't. Our current 300 million US citizens, and growing rapidly, are requiring increasingly greater quantities of hydrocarbons to run there lives. Incredibly drastic societal, and lifestyle changes will be required, to change this trend. Don't look for people to give up thier comfortable lifestyles, for the most part, unless they are faced with absolutely no other choice, and by that time, we will face an even steeper decline ratio, as our country copes with a " powerdown " senario of immense proportions. Bush's 20% ( really 11% ) proposed decline in gas usage in 10 years, is just " State Of The Union " blather and nonsense. Bush has uttered similiar Bull in his speeches, over and over, and what has he ever accomplished of significance regarding reducing US dependence on imported energy? But on the brighter side, perhaps aliens will ship us huge quantities of oil and natural gas, and we can continue to party like there's no tomorrow, oh yeah, Global Warming :-)