Even though I consider the internet as a very important tool with which to glean insight into the greater world beyond ourselves, as Paul observes, the internet is full of " misinformation " also. Deciphering which information is more accurate, and which is not, requires many inputs, from a variety of sources, even set against that which is learned in one's life experience, in order to make a more objective appraisal, to one degree or another, the validity of whats being considered. There is so much out there available as knowledge these days, that it certainly can be overwhelming. My focus in these SC postings has been to illustrate, from my perspective, the various grave develoments for humanity, on a wide range of issues, that I think will be putting extreme pressure on the industrial societies we have built in the last couple hundred years. These negative changes are proceeding at a quickening pace. Events will be unfolding, that I think we are very ill prepared to deal with. It may very well show itself to be true, that humanity will not find meaningful ways to adapt in time, and will suffer great die offs of peoples, and social strife on un-imaginable scales compared to anything we have ever seen, or heard of in the short timeframes of our lives. These things may take some time to unfold, perhaps in some decades, but I also think it is not far fetched, that big trouble could come much sooner, given the concurance of the right set of ill circumstances. How does one position themselves, regarding thier life situation, to try and prepare for the coming of these various possibilities. There is so much to consider, and perhaps, to little time to make adjustments for the vast majority of folks, depending on how fast things may degrade. It is certainly, by my estimation, something to consider carefully, since our lives are so utterly dependent, on a whole host of things, running very smoothly, and this house of cards we have built with cheap, abundant, hydrocarbon energy, is showing many signs of instability, as these fuels become much more expensive, and much less available.