The price of corn has doubled in the last eight months, due to the ramping up of corn derived ethanol production. I saw a figure that 40% of the corn used by the world's people, outside of the US, comes from US production. Just the ethanol plants coming online this year will use an extimated half the US corn crop. The corn price pressures are even now affecting the affordability of feed for the various animals we eat. Much of the Mexican poorer populations use corn tortillas for a staple food, and the rising corn prices have caused increasing hardship for these people. Ethanol will only provide a very small slice of the energy that will be needed, as our consumption of fuels continues to expand dramatically. War is Big business these days, and fighting all over the world, continually, is great for the bottom line of the War Machine. Whose gonna stop them, they have all the guns, and the bombs, and Weapons Of Mass Destruction. Such a sad waste of resources and energy supplies, that could have accomplished so much towards a more sustainable situation for the US, and its people, as you expressed Rick. I think were headed for a more militarized environment for sure, if things do actually begin to unravel for the affluent societies. If any body is gonna have the energy ( oil and gas ), you can bet the Warmongers will.