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June 01, 2005 11:58AM
Sheriff to seek off-road grants totaling $81,000
Special patrols planned for A.V., Santa Clarita land
By Susan Abram
Staff Writer

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 - Los Angeles County officials on Tuesday paved the way for sheriff's deputies from the Santa Clarita and Antelope valleys to apply for $81,000 in state grants to help discourage illegal off-road vehicle riding.

County supervisors voted Tuesday to authorize the grant application to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, which offers an off-highway vehicle grant program. This is the third year the Sheriff's Department is applying for the grant in Santa Clarita, the first in the Antelope Valley.

"The problem is really big in Santa Clarita," sheriff's Deputy Roger Wallace said. "They are everywhere. We have the highest population of off-road vehicle enthusiasts in California."

Sheriff's officials say they get 1,000 reports a year of illegal off-roading in Palmdale, and last year in the Santa Clarita Valley issued more than 500 citations.

Illegal riders often take to the sandy beds of the Santa Clara River, and into the canyons of outlying areas of Santa Clarita and the Antelope valleys, including Castaic, Agua Dulce and Acton.

Wallace said at least 25 percent of riders cited don't have spark arresters on their bikes. The devices curb noise and deter sparks from igniting dry brush......................,1413,200%257E20954%257E2897620,00.html


LA County seeks Grants for illegal OHV

katrina island 2484June 01, 2005 11:58AM

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